Children's Mental Health Week 2024
This week, we have been raising the profile of supporting our pupils' mental health by taking part in the Children's Mental Health Week. At Woodhouses, this is always a priority, but due to the national initiative, we have been spending some extra time on this very important matter. We have been promoting the theme 'My Voice Matters' and the children have completed activities and discussions in their classrooms.
The School Council
The school councillors have played an important role in supporting the 'My Voice Matters' scheme by organising some lunchtime activities to gather children's thoughts and opinions. They have been wonderful ambassadors and played a very important role in delivering some important messages.
Lowry Class
Lowry class have been working on how to regulate and feel calm. We have introduced Relax Kids and encouraging positive affirmations to make us appreciate how wonderful we are. This has been really useful when we come in from playtimes and other points in the day, and some children have even said they have used it at home. We have enjoyed re-reading Colour monster and use this as a check to find out which colour we are feeling.
Stephenson Class
Brierley Class
We shared lots of activities throughout the week, and made posters to display around our school. We celebrated our achievements, and spent time making positive affirmations, as well as learning techniques to help us when we need calm positivity in our lives.
Kenney Class
Turing Class
This week, Turing have been looking at practical ways they can help their own mental health, as well as the mental health of others.
They have looked at top tips - from talking to a trusted adult to writing the problems they feel anxious about in a Worry Box. They have then taken these tips and ideas and created a Mental Health Top Tips poster to give people advice on how to deal with any issues they may have.
Turing have also talked about gratitude and how taking the time to look at all we have to be thankful for can improve our mood and how we feel about ourselves. We wrote gratitude letters to our friends, family and members of our school community and passed them around. Not only did it make us feel better to write but getting a gratitude letter was a really positive thing and made us all smile!
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