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Voluntary Controlled Primary

School Clubs

Woodhouses Out of School Hours Club


The Before and After School Club is open in term time, between 7.45am and 8.45 am and between 3.15pm and 6.00pm. Holiday clubs also run from 8 am – 6 pm during most holidays. The club is an independent not for profit organisation that is based on school premises.


The club manager is Mrs C Greenwood who is employed by the registered Management Committee made up of parents and school governors. Children must be registered with the Club in order to attend. Registration forms are available from Club staff. A personal details form must also be completed at the time of registration.


Most places are pre- booked, however there are usually a limited number of places available at each session for short notice bookings. These can be arranged by calling in to the Club or contacting Mrs Greenwood on 07340663112. For information regarding the charging policy and fees please see the Club’s prospectus
