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Voluntary Controlled Primary

Brierley Class

   Brierley Class

We are a class made up of Year 3 and Year 4 children.The staff in our class are Mrs Rowan and Mrs Strange.  

  PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays. This may change throughout the year, depending on timetables but it would be helpful for your child to have their PE kit in schoool every day. Please ensure that your child's kit is clearly labelled, including indoor and outdoor clothing, as weather permitting, we will do PE outside. Please let us know if you have any queries, by contacting the office.


Up to date newsletters for each half term can be viewed at the bottom of this page.


Your child will have a login for Learning by Questions (LbQ) and TT Rockstars in the front of their school diary. We will check that all children have these in the first few weeks of term. We will set homework every half term in Maths and English, and TTRockstars can be accessed anytime for practise. Please let us know if you cannot access any of these websites. 

Many thanks for your continued support.

We ask that children have their reading book/diary and spelling book with them in school every day. 



Parental Support

Your support is vital to your child’s progress and education. Please support us by:

- Encouraging your child to complete and return homework on time and giving support where appropriate.
- Reading regularly at home with your child. Even as little as just 5 minutes daily, can help to improve your child's reading ability

- Letting us know if your child will be going home with someone else.

- Ensuring that your child brings the correct items to school each day, including their reading diary, spelling book and P.E kit.



