Current Learning
Spring 1
In maths this half term, year 1 children will be focussing on numbers to 20 addition and subtraction. Year 2 children will be focussing on money and then introducing multiplication and division.
This half term, in keeping with our topic our literacy books will be based around exploring the world. We will be using books such as 'The Boy Who Sailed the World' and 'The Great Explorer'. During our literacy lessons this half term we will be writing narratives, letters and poetry.
This half term in year 1 we will be focusing on Animals Including Humans.
This half term in year 2 we will be focusing on Everyday Materials.
Our topic for this term is Our Wonderful World, which is a history based topic. We will be learning about the location of countries, continents and oceans of the world in relation to the position of the United Kingdom and Failsworth.
In PSHE we will be beginning to work through the 'My Happy Mind' programme.
In RE year 1 children will be learning about what Muslims believe and how they live. Year 2 children will be learning about why we should take care of the world.
In art we will be focussing on painting and mixed media.
Our next class novel for this half term is The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl.