Year 6
Children will be set a purple mash and a piece of homework which be set online every Monday and children will have one week to complete it.
Login details for websites have been given to all children and are stuck in the front of their homework diaries.
If you do not have the login details or the passwords are not working, please leave a note in your child's diary so the passwords can be reset and sent to you in order for the homework to be completed on time.
If you have any concerns related to homework, please get in touch.
New spellings will be uploaded on the spelling page every Thursday.
Spelling tests will also take place each Thursday.
Remember it is important that children practise the spellings at home.
Please encourage your children to read at home most nights for at least 15 minutes. This is really important and will help your child’s learning so much.
Please sign your child's diary to indicate when they have read. The diary will be stamped each week and the children will earn housepoints each time they read.
Use the links below for the websites which will be used for homework.
TT Rockstars -
Spelling Shed -
Purple Mash -