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Voluntary Controlled Primary

Current Learning

Autumn 1



This half term in maths, we will be focusing on place value within 10,000,000 and the four operations. 



This half term we will focus on two different types of writing. We will begin by writing a biography about Alan Turing, who our class is named after. We will identify the various features of the writing and include them into our own pieces of writing. We will then move on to writing a letter based on the book Letters from the Lighthouse, which we are reading in class and links to our topic. The letter the children write will be from  a child who has been evacuated to their mother back home. All pieces of writing will be assessed using the Year 6 writing criteria. 



This half term we will be focusing on evolution and inheritance. 



This half term we will be looking at World War II, which is a history based topic. We will be exploring what started the war, what life was like in England during the war, who won the war and the impact the war had on England.


SATS practice 

We will be doing a SATS practice week this half term to see children's strengths and weaknesses and what areas of the curriculum children may need more support with. I would like to emphasis that the children have not covered the whole of the Year 6 curriculum when they take part in the practice weeks, so their scores only reflect their learning so far and they progress they are making in their learning. 


