Late/Absence Procedures
Good attendance means that children usually make good, consistent progress in their school work. Woodhouses Voluntary Primary School expects good attendance from its pupils, in order for them to make most of the opportunities that the school has to offer. We rely on our partnership with parents to ensure that this is achieved. We would ask parents to help the school by notifying us of all absences on the first day, by ringing the school office on 0160 681 6793 before 9.30am. Please inform school of any absence which is known in advance.
The Governors have adopted the Local Authority guidance for requests for all absences during term time. Holidays will not be authorised. Only a situation the Head Teacher deems to be an exceptional circumstance will be authorised.
Our children are praised for good attendance. We award termly certificates to children who have achieved 100% attendance, as well as class attendance rewards including toast on a Monday morning for the winning class from the week before.
If a child is absent from school for any reason, the school must be informed by telephone on the day, preferably before 9:30am, or in the case of known appointments, by letter beforehand.
If a child has to leave school during school hours to visit the doctor/dentist/clinic, the school office should be informed of this and the child must be collected from school by an authorised adult.
Punctuality is an important part of the educational process and it is the responsibility of parents to ensure that children arrive on time. Lateness will be recorded in each class register and persistent poor punctuality will be addressed by the leadership team. In the interests of safety, children should not arrive on school premises before 8.40 am as there is no supervision before that time. Children are encouraged to be in school at 8.40am to complete their Early Morning tasks. Children should be collected on time at 3.15pm. Parents needing before/after school care should contact Woodhouses out of School Hours Club for information and availability of places.