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Voluntary Controlled Primary

Year 3

Year 3 Homework


We expect that children read at home, as well as in school. 10 minutes each night would really help to support your child's reading skills. 

We have also given each child their BUG CLUB login, set books for them to read online, and answer questions about the books. This will really help develop their comprehension skills.



Each week, the children will have a spelling list to practise at home based on the spelling rules they are learning in school. This will be uploaded here each week.  We will complete an informal test every Thursday. Children should take their spellings books home each day.  

Times Tables - To help your child to be confident with  times tables, please help support them with regular practise. TT Rockstars is a brilliant website, which your child has access to, using their own login details.
Hit the Button game is helpful as well as logging into TT Rockstars.




































































Use the links below for the websites which will be used for homework. 


TT Rockstars -

Spelling Shed -


Purple Mash -
