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Voluntary Controlled Primary

Home Learning Support

SEND Links to support home school learning – Jan 2021


Here are a range of links you may find useful to support your child/ren. There is lots of information and free resources. I will update this page as regularly as possible. **Please note at the time of publishing these websites I have checked them and they were all offering free resources. Therefore these free offers may change at any time.**


Speech Language, Communication and Interaction.

Specialist therapies - Oak National Academy ( – Oak Academy speech and language Therapy sessions. These are split into 6 areas of Speech Therapy – Attention and Listening, Interaction and Communication, Understanding Language, Using Language, Verbal Reasoning and Emotional Regulation and Self Esteem. Please get in touch if you are unsure which area you need to work on with your child, if this is appropriate for them. This website offers a range of resources and ideas to help parents develop children’s speech and language needs. This website offers games and activities to support the listening and attention aspect of speech and language needs. activities to support children and parents using PECS (picture Exchange) PECS is a strategy often recommended by Speech and Language Therapists.


Social, Emotional and mental health There are a range of resources, games etc. to support different areas of mental health; anxiety, anger, emotions, mindfulness etc. There are a range of social stories and resources around a lot of different life issues, including COVID 19, that can be used to support children’s understanding. there is a selection of games to play to build children’s social and emotional awareness.

Emotional regulation and self esteem - Oak National Academy ( – this section looks at feelings, likes and dislikes as well as families. - Parents can register for free and download free resources for the duration of Covid-19. These resources offer parents support to develop your child’s wellbeing and develop their resilience.


Cognition and learning

Maths Oak Academy lessons to support children with additional needs in specific areas of maths. this website has virtual physical resources to help children understand maths, cubes, tens frames, number lines, bead strings, and many more! It is a great website for practical resources to help with maths. lots of ideas for practical and active games to support maths learning. this website offers a range of interactive maths games. You will need to select the age group that is appropriate for your child.

English - Oak Academy Communication and Language sessions. These are split into 2 sections – ‘applying learning’ and ‘building understanding’ Click on the section you want to explore, there are themes you can chooses and then follow the sessions. multisensory stories for downloading, using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs. free e-book library, select by age group

Bug club - your child will have been given a log in by school. this program creates interactive magnetic letters to create words.


General – Cognition and learning A list of free or cheap apps for developing a range of learning skills – there are lots of lovely apps recommended for mark making etc.


Sensory and/or physical needs Oak Academy lesson to support children with additional needs in in their physical development – There are some sensory circuits programs on here that can be adapted to suit your needs at home. support for autistic learners with sensory processing, ideas for activities, resources and guidance for those supporting them 10 weeks’ worth of videos with activities to develop children’s fine motor skills – there are lots of craft ideas on here to support the development of fine motor skills. multisensory stories for downloading using signs, props, movement etc. to engage children with special needs. dance mat typing to develop typing skills, different levels of challenge.


Self help and independence Oak Academy lessons, developing life skills such as dressing, personal care etc. Resources aimed at supporting children with autism develop essential life skills such as personal hygiene, self-care, safety, managing work and leisure activities.




















